Since the early 1970s, Mick Joffe's passion has been to caricature and record endangered characters of Australia, and the world. As of 2015, the majority of these interviews exist only in manuscript form. Below is a near-complete list of these interviews, some with a brief blurb.
If you see the name of a relative or a person of interest, a copy of the manuscript may be made available.
Mick is also available to come out on request and interview a person of your choice.
Contact Mick now on 0410 653 191.
Name (sort by last) | |
Dudley Abbott | |
Eric Abraham | WW1 Age 103 |
Geoff Ackerman | |
Allan Adams | Builder of Oberon's Dam |
Gerry and Patricia Adamson | |
Toy Lilly Ah | NT Chinese Storekeeper |
Bruce Aikman | WWII on top of St Pauls Cathedral flying Ansons with carrier pigeons |
Cecil Aitchison | Berridale history |
Ellis Aitchison | Carrier and bushman |
Hans Albers | |
Stephen "Bamba" Albert | Broome Elder, Entertainer |
John Allan | Changi and Burma Railway - Dural History |
Lew Allen | |
Amigo | |
Betty Anderson | Doctor of Nursing |
Col Anderson | Navy in the Korean War |
Lois Anderson | |
Alan Andrews | |
Gordon Andrews | Designer of Decimal Currency |
Beverley Anne | Aboriginal Elder |
Sydney Anstee | Grays Point History, The Wreck of the Malabar, The Greycliff/Tahiti Disaster |
Vincent Archbold | Bombing of Newcastle |
Daisy Ardley | History of Kellyville |
Ian Arkely | |
Arthur Armstrong | Farming at Harvey River. Beekeeping, forge work, plumbing, Armstrong history, power monkey, finding |
Phyllis Armstrong | On Dick Armstrong WWII Japanese POW |
Roy Armstrong | Living 6 years in Oberon Hospital from severe ancalosing??? spondylitis |
Flo Arnold | Mt Isa History |
Jim Arrold | RSL Man. Cooma history |
Joe Artery | Oberon |
Len Ashworth | |
Geoff Aslin | |
Alic Bacon | Dam builder |
Allan Badger | Pearl Diver Broome |
Eunice Bailey | Oberon history and on lie and virtues and family values |
Stuart Bailey | |
Darcey Baker | Grafton Bushy |
Joe Baker | Old Aboriginal of Katherine |
Mick Baker | Crocodile Hunter Boroloola |
Terry Baldwin | Kakadu Buffalo Hunter |
Bill Baldy | |
Barbara Ball | Channelling wisdom from Aknatun and White Buffalo Calf woman |
Bill Barnes | Pioneer radio personality & famous bailiff |
Myrtle Barnes | 100 Yr Old Cobar Pioneer &Afghans |
Terry Barnes | Australia's Top Bird of Prey Handler |
Eva Barra | |
John Barrow | Descendent of Charles Dickens. A clown and performer and re-incarnation of him and an authority of t |
Tom Barry | |
Tom Barry | |
Mary Barry | |
Lionel Bart | |
Terry and Joyce Bartlett | Berowra History |
Jack Barton | Guard of Japanese POW's Timor |
Jack Bashforth | History of Brunswick and Mullumbimby. Witness to the Japan surrender ceremony at Weewak |
Len Beadell | |
Arthur Beal | WWII radio operator. Solomon Islands, escape from Talaga |
Danny Beard | Korean war vet |
Paul Beaver | |
Susie Bedford | Exmouth Marine Biologist |
Scott Beers | NSW Fire and Rescue |
David Bell | Aged 92. Radar Operator on Hammond Island and Yule Island. The strategic importance of Hook Island. |
Denise Bell | |
John Bell | Whaler and Pilot |
Michael Bell | Galston History |
Ted Bell | Limbless Soldier WW2 |
Angela Bennett | |
Richard Bennett | Sydney To Hobart Yact Race Photographer |
Peter Benson | Pioneer Dental Hypnotist and on Gough Whitlam |
Mary Bentley | |
Scott Beson | US Marine in Vietnam |
Col Best | Vietnam Navy |
Elsie Biddle | Glenorie and Canoelands History |
Ernie Billett | Age 75. Polio survivor |
Hazel Bird | |
Nancy Bird-Walton | Famous Aviatrix |
Cassa Birks | Billy Hughes |
Brian "Buzzer" Bitter | |
Ken Black | Telegraphist. 1st white woman in Broken Hill. History of building the Overland Telegraph |
Bob Black | Arcadia History |
Roma Blair | Yoga - WW2 Japanese POW |
Ted Blamey | Age 69. Detailed history on his grandfather General Sir Thomas Blamey. |
Don Blaxell | Royal Botanic Gardens history |
Clyde Blencoe | Japanese POW in Changi and worked on Burma Railway |
Ray Blissett | "The Blizzard" - Police History |
Gerry Blitner | |
Allan Blunt | Shearing |
Patricia Blunt | Longreach History? |
Dave Blyde | |
Merv Blyth | 2/18th Battalion. Captured at the fall of Singapore. In Changi POW camp 3yr 8mths. |
Byrtle Boate | 93 year old tennis player |
Ken Boate | Bushy |
Bert Bolton | Legendary Outback Tour Operator |
Stewart Bonett | Vietnam air force |
Tasha Bonsignore | Flower Power |
Pat Bootes | |
Phemie Booth | From Isle of Tiree (population 800) |
Jim Booth | Ab Fox Australia's Tallest Man |
Flo Boswell | |
Gordon Bottom | Bushy, Fire Fighter |
Jim Bousgas | Greek "partisan" on death march and in Athens concentration camp |
Bryn Bowam | "Bowam Bryn by David Mortimer" |
Jack Bowers | Around Australia by motor bike |
Fred Bowman | Aged 90. Royal Airforce. Assisting the resistance mouts with air drops. Dropping in spys etc "Special Operations Executive". |
Gwen Bowyer | Channelling wisdom from Joseph |
Brian Boyce | |
George Brachon | Carnarvon Gorge Character |
Shane Bradford | NSW Fire Brigade |
Bill Bradley | Polio victim from Iron Lung to Gold Medal winner. 20 years a lift driver at McDowalls. Handicapped bowls. Mini harness racing. |
Tony Braithwaite | |
Rabbi Brasch | Judaism |
Julie Bray | Chinese Massacre |
Bob Bredle | |
Vera Bree | 100 Year Old for Calendar |
Bruce and Dot Breen | Artificial leg like Bader |
Craig Brennan | |
Bridleack | Talbingo Pioneer |
Claude Brien | At 91, Oberon's Oldest Man Still Farming |
Colin Brien | Survivor of Japanese Beheading |
Alan Brimms | On Hornsby (Gunsmoke) |
Tim Bristow | Gangster |
Bob Britcher | |
Geoff Britcher | |
Gordon Brody | 97 year old. Doctor in army in Darwin during the bombing |
Edith Broomfield | |
Gary Brophy | |
Felix Venn Brown | Named the Liberal Party on the founding of the Liberal Party. |
Phil Brown | NSW Fire and Rescue |
Peter Brown | |
Bob Bryant | Witness to WW1 Zeppelin Inferno - Boer War |
Peter Bryant | |
Bobby Buchanan | Droving |
Bobby Buchanan | In Footsteps of Bluey Buchanan |
Roger Bucholtz | |
Alan Buckingham | |
Ted Buckingham | on Tumut |
Lindsay Buckley | Bullocky history and Tumut. Tall stories of Herb Buckley. |
Normie Buckley | Fire Brigade |
Winnie Budburry | |
Barry Bullivant | Granville train disaster. Indoctrination of Korean war soldiers |
Daphne Bullock | Poetess |
Vivian Bullwinkle | Survivor of Banka Island Massacre |
Ron Burge | |
Bob Burgess | Stone Cutter Arcadia |
Bill Burke | Farming at Bungaree. The bombing of Newcastle and how the predictors worked. The forerunners of computers used to calibrate the anti-aircraft guns defending the bombing of Port Moresby. Battle of Bismark. Salvation Army in action. 60 killed in Markum Valley Liberator and truck crash. Japanese prisoners off Kokoda track. |
Kevin Burke | Bush horse drawn grader, shunting trains |
Marie Burke | |
Ol' Bloomer Burrinji | Old Aboriginal of Katherine |
Don Burrows | Jazz Legend |
Arthur Bussitin | |
Snowy Butcher | Survivor of Aboriginal Massacre |
Albert Butler | Galston General Store. Over harbour bridge in horse and cart |
Harry Butler | |
Alan Buxton | In Dam Busters squadron. Syrian campaign. Dropping Tall Boy, the Atom Bomb. |
Wayne Buxton | NSW Fire Brigade |
Mona Byrnes | |
Air Vice Marshall Anthony Caillar | Head of RAF intelligence. Flew with Atom bomb test Christmas Island 1957 |
Anthony Caillard | One time Head of British Intelligence and pilot of observer plane at dropping of Atom bomb off Christmas Island. |
James Cain | Made the torpedo that sunk the Bismark. |
Gordon Cairns | Kokoda track re-enforcement. Mortars - Liberty ships. Account of the 16th and 25 Brigades ferocious battles on Kokoda. The bravery of the Salvation Army. |
Don Calder | Age 84. The three generations of film makers in Australia. The filming of Melbourne Olympic Games. The Sputnik. The Australian film and sound equipment manufacturers and why we never made video recorders. Filming in PNG. Don's personal faith. Lauren and Hardy history. |
Butch Calderwood | Cameraman who filmed Prince Philllip swearing and covered the moon landing |
Irma Caldwell | High mountain huts |
Graham Caldwell | Galston Garbo |
Judy Caldwell | Yanco Barmaid |
Bonnie Calman | Age 87. Family Band "The Dashing Dandies". Being "The Berley Girl". Avalon history. Paddington history. Life philosophy. |
Michael Cameron | |
Jack Campbell | NSW Youngest Swaggie |
Major General Ian Campbell | |
Mick Campbell | Oldest Working Jackaroo |
Gerard Cannon | NSW Fire Brigade |
Gordon Cansdale | The pioneer of Viscount Caravans. |
Andrew Carrol | |
Andrew Carrol | |
Bob Carson | Horderns - Jack Lang - Roy Rene - Criminals |
Alan Carter | |
Max Cartwright | |
Bill Carty | Australia's oldest newsreel cameraman, WWII, McCarthur, Damien Parner, Tojo, War Crime trials |
John Cary | Korean war |
Catherine Casey | Channelling wisdom from Mother Mary |
Jack Casey | Occupation of Japan. Battle of Kapyong and to Mash Unit. Formation of the SAS. Prison warden at Long Bay then Pentridge when Ronald Ryan was hung. |
Joan Casey | The merits of olden day food and old values. Her impressions of Mick Joffees work. |
Alf Casey | Arm torn off by pet crocodile |
Rainbow Casneaux | Dghtr of Harold Casneaux Photographer |
Mary Caucino | On WWI pilot shooting at his own homing pigeons while his plane was sinking |
Albie Cavener | Bullocky from Dorrigo |
Tony Chadd | Hornsby and Cec Newland |
George Chaloupka | |
Lindy Chamberlain | "A dingo took my baby!" |
Ram Chandra | |
Sidney Cheeseman | Age 78. History of "Boy Soldiers" and his tour of Vietnam (insight into war psychosis) |
Alex Cheetham | Japanese Atrocities WW2 |
Jack Chisholm | |
John Christians | Slave lab owner for the Nazi in Holland. Concentration camp escape. |
John and Rose Christie | Salvaging Japanese Ships and Planes |
Wally Christie | Pioneer Peanut Farmer, Inventor |
Phyllis Church | Berowra |
Cec Clark | The Picture Show Man |
Don Clark | |
Keith Clarke | American Civil War, Hawkesbury Bridge mined during war, farming. |
Kevin Clarke | Bush history |
Kevin Clarke | Convict / bushranger links |
Bill Clarke | Broke Japanese Morse Code |
Ian Clarke | |
Marcus Clarke | Waterpipes |
Molly Clarke | |
Bruce Cliff | The Bush Church Aid Society |
Colleen Clifford | |
Trixie Clugson | 95 year old classic Snowy Mountains |
Josie Clugston | Aged 95. Telephonist at Adaminiby |
Peter Cochran | Park Ranger |
Peter Cocker | |
Tom Col | |
Doug Collins | Outback Knockabout |
Phil Colman | Naturalist and Charles Darwin look-a-like |
Henry Comber | At 97. The last survivor of "The Great Escape". |
Joyce Condon | Broke Hill Artist |
Andy Connon | |
Flo Constance | Mould history. Trafalgar Naval Surgery |
Lily Constance | |
Merton Cooke | Age 101. Driving a steam car (Stanley Steamer). The Shard Mason. Fire Brigade from 1935. Woolstore fires. Life Saving at Dee Why. Fatal shark attack. The London Fire Brigade during the Blitz. The Japanese midget sub attack. History of Communist Party. The tank stream. Jimmy Governor. Fire Brigade Union politics. The early terrorism in Australia. The Mary Riots. |
Rod Cooper | La Perouse history |
Tom Cooper | NSW Fire Brigade |
Geoff Coote | |
Rose Coppock | |
Keith Cornford | Berowra |
General Peter Cosgrove | Winning MC in Vietnam |
Jane Cosgrove | Oberon History |
Fred Costello | Speared by Aboriginals |
Alec Costin | Biology's on the Snowy Mountains |
Alec Costin | Chief Biologist on the Snowy |
Jim Cotterill | |
Monty Cotton | WW2 Fighter Pilot in Burma |
Snowy County | Broome Pearler |
Bruce Cowan | NSW Fire and Rescue |
Bruce Cowan | |
Fred Cowpe | Spitfire Pilot - Shot Rommel's Car |
Max Crammer | Discoverer of Batavia |
Stella and Ted Cranfield | Oberon |
Art Creasy | Showman with guns, daggers & whips |
Elaine Croaker | The pioneer of muscle testing as a modality of healing |
Harry Crocodile | |
Victor Crum | At 100 (and 102). Horse drawn days in the NSW Fire Brigade |
Di Cullen | |
Herb Cunnynghame | Oberon |
Ray Cunnynghame | Oberon Storekeeper |
Kath Cunynghame | Oberon History |
Avy Curly | |
Florence Curphey | |
June Dally-Watkins | Queen of Deportment |
Frank Daniel | |
David Darby | Around Australia On a Bicycle 1950 |
Norm Darcy | Mallapunya Station History |
Barry and Jenny Davidson | |
Gordon Davies | Korean War, Kansas Line. Wyoming Line. Detailed description of trench warfare. What its like to have war psychosis. The uniqueness of the infantry man. How the big brass sabotage attempts to make peace with your enemy. The effect of my visit on a war vet. |
Jack Whaler Davies | |
John Davies | |
Betty Davis | Age 94 |
John Davis | |
Rus Davis | Age 98 |
Peter Davis | |
Steele Davis | |
Steve Davis | |
Bill Dawson | Age 94. Calvary. Syrian campaign. How Roden Cutler won the VC. Milne Bay Balikpapan |
Joe Dawson | Kokoda track - 39th Battalion B Co. who 1st met the Japanese at the invasion beach for Kokoda |
Dot Dawson | Founder of Carols by Candlelight |
Smoky Dawson | Country Music Legend |
Smoky and Dot Dawson | |
Brendan Day | |
Jack Day | Wireless operator on the Kokoda track |
Henry Day | |
Mike Day | |
Lorraine De Roode | |
Christine De Stoop | Dural Artist |
John Dean | History of Surrey Hills including criminal history his Grandfather Jack Groggin and the Labour Party. Him as the last tram conductor of North Sydney. |
Ian Deegan | WWII digger |
Norma Deegan | WWII nurse. Capt. of the Kormoran |
Lionel Deer | |
Allan Dennison | Witness the last Japanese plane shot down over Australia |
John Dent | Managed bomb factories during the war, Christian values |
Snow Devaney | Glanhaven History |
Anne Dickson | |
Ross Dickson | Qld Police Corruption |
Kelly Dixon | Famous Songwriter Outback , Vestys History |
Les Dixon | Bluey and Curly |
Les Dixon | |
Bob Dobson | Fire Brigade Protocol Officer. Fire Brigade Centennial Paintings, ANZAC marches. Moral, ethos. "The Fireman's Carry". Firemanship. The Navy tradition. |
Patrick Dodd | PR Man on the Snowy |
Bob Doherty | |
Augustine Dom | |
Yeshe Dorje | Berkley USA history. Free speech movement, anti-Vietnam rallies, hippy, disabled rights, healing, volunteer caring. Poem about unconditional love. |
Frank Douglas | Mt Isa History |
Malcolm Douglas | Kimberley Film Maker |
Phyllis Dowling | Tumut history |
Ken Downes | Snowy River Canoeing |
D'Arcy Doyle | |
Stephanie Druk | Warsaw Ghetto Survivor |
John Dryden | Survivor of a V1 flying bomb in London (graphic). |
Frank Duffy | History of the big trout adaminiby |
Lindsay Dufty | Gunner during the bombing of Darwin. |
Harry Dunn | WW2 History |
Jeanette Dunn | |
Les Eals | |
Bert Earnshaw | Tank 'commander' at El Alemain |
Vic Ebberton | Oberon |
Jean Edgecombe | |
Sue and Pat Edmonson | |
Clare Edwards | Mattaranka |
Hugh Edwards | Underwater Explorer |
Jim Edwards | Crocodiles, Gelignite Jack & Eric Worrel |
Lois and Jim Edwards | Menzies |
Ringer Edwards | Crucified by Japanese |
Jack Efrat | Escaped a concentration camp in a German uniform |
James Egan | |
Ted Egan | |
Ben Eggleton | Bush poet |
Anne-Marie Elliott | |
John Ellol | King Farouk's head librarian for 20 years |
Rod Emmerson | Rockhampton's popular cartoonist |
Dr Bob Englebrecht | Popular Doctor during the Snowy Scheme |
Bill English | on Hairtail |
Tom Epps | World War 1 Veteran |
Jock Epstein | HMAS Canberra WW2 |
Jacoub Esber | The difference between Christian Lebanese and Moslem Lebanese. |
Ben Esgate | Brother's Walk Broome to Sydney 1929 |
Ben Esgate | |
Hilda Evans | Oberon's Oldest Person |
Isobel Evans | 105 Yr Old Poetess |
Jack Evans | |
Sparkle Fairy | |
David Farmer | |
Henry Farthing | Mudgee Plumber and Undertaker |
Frank Fawcett | Oberon Farmer |
G and C Fearweather | Cowan |
Bill Fegans | Jockey |
Jack Feiler | Born while mum hiding in a stable in occupied Poland. His father strangled him but he lived and was dumped in a basket. |
Meredith Felkel | |
Ron Ferguson | The Cowra breakout in detail. Relationship with Japanese suicide survivor. Japanese soldiers letters quoted. Guarding Japanese prisoners at Lae Hospital. Executing Japanese war criminals. |
John Figeczki | |
Sammy Finocchiaro | Packhorse chainman |
Ed Finsten | Witness to dingo taking a baby wombat |
Pete Fittock | |
Eileen Fitzer | Oldest Territorian (Vol 2) |
Ron Flanagan | Drover, Shepard in the high country |
Peter Flanagan | |
Bill Fleming | WW2 Merchant Navy - Sunk D-Day |
Fred Fletcher | |
Kath Fletcher | On swearing in the old days |
Harold Fletcher | Antarctic Explorer with Mawson |
Dr Martin Flood | The Seven Year Dr Ban - Operation of Gough Whitlam |
Jim Flynn | History of the wrecking yard Cooma |
Jimmy Forskett | |
Janet Forster | |
Andrew Fox | |
Graeme Fox | Berowra |
Rodney Fox | |
Val Francis | |
Max Franklin | |
Col Fraser | Grazier |
Tom Frece | Hydrographer |
Ivars Freimanis | Snowy Hydrographer |
John Fripp | Pioneer skiing at the Snowy Mountains |
Francis Frohlich | CSIRO Pioneer & WW2 Apples |
Nell Frohling | 100 Year Old for Calendar |
Nell Frohling | 100 Year Old for Calendar |
Noel Fullerton | The Camel King |
Henry Gordon Fyffe | Gordon |
Henry Gordon Fyffe | |
Jack Gallagher | WW2 - Pilot of Catalina that flew the 1st Japanese POWS from Changi to Rose Bay |
Angel John Gallard | |
Alf Gammon | Steam train driver |
Earl Gano | |
Dave Gardner | |
Mike Gardner | HMS Belfast WW2 - Home Guard |
Tom Garrett | |
Lynne George | |
Ron George | Outback Trucky |
Douglas Gerke | On squadron Leader Charlie Scherf DFC DSO |
Fred Gibbons | On fox hunting |
Deryk Giblin | 52 Bombing Missions as a Pathfinder |
Ron Gibson | |
Aub Gillespie | |
Lyall Gillespie | Canberra Historian |
Jim Gillies | Age 88. Coastal artillery. How teams were made up for air crew. Dam Buster squadron shot down on 29th op. The Dresden bombing raid. |
Frank Glaister | |
Jimmy Goland | |
Milton Golby | |
Rose Golby | |
Bardius Goldberg | |
Jack Goodwin | |
Helen Gordon-Smith | |
Tony Gordon-Smith | |
Corbett Gore | Builder of the Sydney Opera House |
Yvonne Gorman | Oberon History |
Eda Gossett | |
Nat Gould | Battle of Brittan. Straffing Japanese at Milne Bay. Air warfare in Russia. |
Sireene Gould (OAM) | Age 96. Pioneer of the Spastic Centre. The Miss Australia quest. Tania Verstak. Liberal Party ie Joe Hockey and Brendon Nelson. |
Bob Gouttman | Spiritualism in the job. Luna Park Ghost Train fire. Post traumatic disorder. |
Graeme Gow | Herpetologist NT |
Col Graham | Police and Hilton Bombing |
Stan Gratte | Outback Explorer |
Doug Gravolin | Finding sunken Japanese Zero. 1969 sighting of Tasmanian tiger. 1969 UFO sighting |
David Gray | |
Jack Gray | Age 98. Thirroul history. Life saving, BHP history, delivery by horse and cart. |
Fred Gray | |
Alec Green | Hornsby and Wahroonga |
Joyce Green | |
Isobel and Lindsay Greenaway | Berowra |
Mick Greene | WW2 |
Alex Greig | Ned Kelly Hearsay |
Alex Griffiths | Currumbin Bird Sanctuary |
Karl Heinz Gross | German sailor. Last survivor off the Bismark. |
Alan Grosvenor | Kingsford Smith Airport. Building Beaufort aircraft. Chullora railway workshops, Building mosquito bombers at Delta Villands and Hurricanes. Spitfires, Mustangs, Thunderbolt Hawkes,, Beau fighters |
Alan Grosvenor | WWII aircraft engineering |
Fred Grover | WW2 History |
Gan Gruce | |
Stan Grunsell | 90 year old fireman. Buckingham's fire and The Shell Refinery Whare fire. Working with Japanese POWs in Lae and Rabaul. |
Tina Hacker | Spy during WWII |
Jim Hahn | Henly history and plant operator in the Hills District |
Bass Haines | Milne Bay. Witness to the "Chokos". Labuan, contrast between McCarthur and Mountbatten. Gary Cooper entertaining at Lae. |
Rob Haldane | |
Lincon Hall | Left for dead on Mt Everest |
Rhonda Hall | Animals All - Arcadia history |
Richard Hallon | Steam trains |
Gary Hamilton | |
Ron Hammond | Korean war vet |
Max Hanrahan | Oberon History |
Ken Hargraves | Hargraves' Nursery History |
Jackie Hargreaves | Pioneer Barmaid Bachelor NT |
Tim Hargreaves | |
Richard Neville Harmon | The importance of nice parents. The significance of a child's name, women's names. Ship building on Cockatoo Island. The importance of dancing to women. Five great men who danced till they died. |
Bill Harney | Aboriginal Elder of Katherine |
Ena Harris | |
Neil Harris | |
Cliff Harris | Grocer Auburn History, Cliff Harris Band |
Eleanore Frances Harrison | On her father Ernest William Staley Harrison, Gallipoli, Symons Carpets, 1st female surfer for Terrigal/Wamberal. Farming at Terrigal. |
Sybil Harrison | |
Ken Hartigan | On Errol Flynn |
Pat Harvey | |
Ida Harvey | Oberon |
Noel Harvey | Tortured by Japanese WW2 |
Kathleen Harwood | 98 Years in Castle Hill |
Sid Hawk | Ancient Mariner |
Terrance Hawken | |
Sid Hawks | |
Bill Hayes | Galston History |
Gilbert Haywood | On windmills and the history of his Model T Ford. |
Brutal Headland | |
Bruce Heathcote | |
Mick Hedger | Dogger |
Roy Hedger | Dogger. Kokoda track, shot five times |
Brian Heffernan | NSW Fire and Rescue |
Jack Hempel | |
Bob Henderson | Berowra |
Jock Henderson | |
Carlos Henry | Conspicuous Bravery Incident |
Laurie Hession | Riverstone History |
Terry Hickman | |
Harry Hill | Snowy history. Banjo Patterson. |
Charles Hill | 95 Yr Old Undertaker Quorn SA |
Sir Edmund Hillary | First man to climb Mount Everest |
Ron Hilton | WW2 |
Steve Hirst | The man who found Stuart Diver at Threadbo landslide |
Bruce Hoad | History of Yarrangobilly Caves |
Colin Hoad | History of Yarrangobilly Caves |
Barbara Hodge | The Blitz in London |
Nigel Hodge | Droving in the Snowy Mountains |
Bruce Hodges | |
Brian Hodges | On pan service |
Gwyneth "Bubbles" Hoffman | WW2 Nurse |
Bert Hogan | Oberon History |
Bill Hogan | History of Yunta SA |
Ranger Stacey Hogan | Wildlife Ranger from TV |
Paddy Hogg | |
David Hollands | |
Peter Hollands | Crocodile Hunter |
Tom Hollis | Landing at Layuan. Forward scouting. Japanese atrocities. Occupation of Japan. Witness at Hiroshima. Bea Miles. Korean war. Taken prisoner. Death march! (atrocities). Prisoner at Bean Camp. A slave at mass graves (graphic). |
Chris Hollis | |
Jill Holsworth | Mt Isa History |
Bill Hookway | Seaworld History |
Mahomet Hoosan | Afghan Cameleer |
Herbert Hordern | Anthony Hordern History |
Henry Horne | Mt Isa History |
Pauline Hosie | Channelling wisdom from Quan Yin and Lady Nada |
Jim House | |
Stan Howard | |
Walter Lyall Howard | PM John Howards brother recounting how their father and grandfather met on the battlefield in WWII. |
Louis Howell | King's African Rifles |
Doc Howlett | |
Pauline Huchthausen | On meeting Hitler and living in tents on the Snowy River |
Big Bird Huddleston | |
Harry Huddleston | |
Darkie Hudson | Shot Down Japaneze Zero in Darwin |
Laurel Hull | |
John Humphries | Coal miner, mechanic and rude slang |
Doug Hunt | Maritime Character Salvage Fishing, Tourists |
Ernie Huntington | World War 2 |
Jessie Hurley | At age 109 |
Michael Hurst | English mechanics life in Australia to record for his 11 year old son |
Kevin Hutchinson | |
John Hutton | |
Frank Iffield | Singing Legend |
Martin Imrie | Balikpapan - Mountbatten - General Blamey |
Colin Jack-Hinton | |
Larry Jacka | Albert Jacka WWI VC |
Harry James | Witness to Japanese Cannibalism |
Peter Jenson | Age 93. Sunderland flying boats. Anti-submarine warfare in the Bay of Biscay. Attached three submarines on the surface, later shot down by six German fighter planes. |
Germ Jerry | |
Edna Jessop | Famous drover |
David Joffe | |
History Joffe | |
Kurt Johannsen | |
Kurt Johansen | Outback Inventor |
Charlie Johnes | |
Gary Johns | Vietnam Infantry |
Clive Johnson | Ist TV |
Gordon Johnston | Age 97. Droving cattle vegies by steamboat to Sydney. Hawkesbury history |
Christina Johnston | |
Bill Joiner | Outback Bulldozer Driver |
Bill Jollie | Kokoda Track |
Eric Jolliffe | |
Greta Jones | |
Jack Jones | |
Len Jones | Glenorie Quarry |
Ron Jones | Allegro Column History |
Chris "Yogi" Jurgeit | NSW Fire Brigade |
Fred Kaufline | Aged 93. Witness to the Southern Cloud crash. Bridge player all over NSW. |
Alan Keeling | Witness to Aboriginal Cannibalism |
Syd Keith | Australian Water Transport WWII. 13th Small Ships Co. |
Jim and Julie Kells | |
Glad Kelly | 100 Year Old for Calendar |
Margaret Kelly | |
Willy Kempen | Boer War & Sth African History |
Marie Kenneally | Great Aunt Nursing in Boer war |
Beryl Kennedy | Show girl on a British Convoy |
Bill Kennedy | Steam Train Driver Flinders Ranges |
Laura Kent | 107 year old who's grandmother nursed with Florence Nightingale |
Doc Kepper | Vietnam Veteran |
Paddy Kerrigan | Working on the Snowy Mountains Scheme. The effects on residents of moving Adaminiby. Boat building in Rose Bay. Tourism on Lake Eucumbene. |
Dick Kimber | |
Bill King | NSW Fire and Rescue |
John King | On his father Norris King. His role at Dun Kirk, el Alemain, Administrator at Hamburg and liberator of Aushvitz and as Churchill's staff. |
Roly Kinnear | Korean war |
Di Klima | |
Bert Knowles | Battle of Britain |
Tom Knox | Age 84. The Stirling Bomber. Dropping mines in German ports. The V1 rockets. Opening of the Bomber Command Memorial. |
Daniel Kojta | |
Hans Konefal | |
Linda Kopatz | Age 82. The Proveanies Band. The bombing in Dorsett. God directing ones life. Alcoholics Anonymous. How the 12 steps helps. Decline of America. Why Jesus helped the non Jews. Why Jews have been persecuted. The concept of Lucifer, Adam and Eve. The beginning of Christianity. The Trinity. The evidence for Christ the resurrection. Her relationship with Jesus, God. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory. |
Tom Kopp | |
Leila Kraucevs | History of Hornsby Hospital |
Leilam Kraucevs | |
Tom Kruse | |
Hazel Kyte | Mt Isa History |
John Labriola | Leon Labriola Strongman and Wrestler |
Peter Lacy | Kimberley Stockman |
Larry Laitman | Guru Shot by Mafia |
Ken Lamb | On Buddha Belly and Hidden Orient. |
Reg Langdon | WW2 Navy |
Ron Laughton | Laughtondale History |
Peter Lawson | |
Andrew Lear | |
Johnston Leath | Oberon Poetess |
Kate Lederthoug | Galston History |
Bob Leech | |
Clive Leek | |
Stan Lennon | |
Kathleen Lenthall | Remembers Federation Ceremony 1 |
H.R.H. Prince Leonard | Prince of Hutt River Province |
Broni Lesue | |
Peter Lesue | |
John Lever | |
Ani Lewis | How Bowen therapy works on newborn babies plus pg 55-59 on NLP and how to live life |
Ian Lewis | On climate change |
Jack Lewis | |
Tom Lewis | Minister for Lands during the Snowy and founding the National Parks |
Colin Lewis | |
Val Lhuede | History of Yarranderie |
Maggie Lillie | Legendary Kimberley Elder |
Dave Lindner | Legendary NT Ranger |
Charmayne Linklater | |
John Linscott | Burma Railway - Executions |
John "JL" Liston | Vietnam Veteran |
George Littlefield | Fishing |
John Lock | |
Neville Locker | Adaminaby Man from Snowy History - Yarns |
Jack Lockett | 108 Yrs Old - Australia's Oldest Man |
Tiny Tom Lockie | Wrestler Barcaldine? |
Baked Bean Bertie Loveridge | Qantas from 1938. Flying in New Guinea. Cannibals. Fire Brigade from 1953. |
Robert Lovett | Famous artist on the Snowy |
Jude Lowe | |
Emily "Tookens" Lyons | |
Johnny Lyons | |
Jane Aboriginal Elder Mabo | |
Geoff Mack | Country music singer and songwriter |
Don Mackenzie | Whale from Esperance |
Mick Mad | Barcaldine? |
Terri Maginnis | |
Gordon Maguire | |
Marie Mahood | NT Authoress |
Kim Male | Broome Pearler |
Gladys Malouf | Galston History |
Ross Mangano | Leg Blown Off in Vietnam |
Roy Mannaway | |
Manny Manolis | Pearl Diver |
Charlie Manse | WW1 Digger |
Neil Marsden | Voyager Disaster |
Charlee Marshall | Bush Poet |
Don Marshall | |
Kon Martynow | Pack horse surveyor |
Craig Mashman | Commander at Fire Brigade headquarters. |
Alice Maslen | |
Rod Mason | Aboriginal elder of the Snowy Mountains |
Heather Mason | |
Helen Massey | Beginning of TV |
John Matha | Ground crew airforce, Korean war in Malaya with No 1 bomber squadron. The dominoe theory. 31 years a policeman 21 division. 5 years in Lightening Ridge. Saving people down cliffs. |
Stanley Mather | 100 Year Old on Bonds - Textile Industry |
Charlie Mathes | Thorpe McCorvills??? |
Geoff Matthews | |
Ted Matthews | The Last ANZAC |
Mark Matuschka | Kokoda track 39th battalion |
John Mayer | Vichy French |
Dawn Maynard | |
Frank Maynard | Titanic History & Lance Skuthorp |
Keith Maynard | HMAS Australia & Kamikazes |
Joe Mayne | |
Bill McCall | Wounded and Took 2,000 Prisoners Bardia - Witness to Lidice Massacre. POW with Douglas Bad. |
Jim McCardle | Treelopper Galston |
Andrew McCarthur | |
Bill McCarthy | |
Frank McCarthy | |
Bob McCaw | |
Andy McClean | |
John & Shirley McCloughry | Fire Brigade since 1949. Katoomba fires. Marcus Clarke history. |
Jim McConville | Outback Shearer, Boxer, Drover & Soldier |
Elba McCredie | Berowra History |
Ron McCrystal | Age 90. Depression life if Fortitude Valley. History of the Corvettes. Nearly sunk in the Solomon's. Last to see the Centaur Hospital Ship Milne Bay. Weewak, Korea. |
Steven McCudden | Milne Bay Cypher Unit |
Mac McCullough | Castle Hill History |
John McCusker | Pioneer of Oberon Tourism |
Michael McDermott | Three tours of Vietnam. |
Frank McDonald | Witness Japanese Sub Raised Sydney Harbour (Sydney Water Patrol) |
John McEntee | |
Kevin McFadden | Country clerk |
Alice McG | |
Brian McGaffin | |
Norman McGrath | |
Gavin McGregor | |
Alma McGurk | Mt Isa History |
Jack McHaffi | |
Maddie McIntosh | |
Rev Fred McKay | Flying Doctor |
Hilda McKenzie | On engineering on the Snowy |
Horace McKinnon | Oberon History |
Hubert McKinnon | Oberon Councillor |
Jack McLeod | Resident of Glenorie, Witness to Japanese cannibalism. |
Kevin McMahon | |
Bob McMaw | Aged 106. Hawkesbury Agricultural College. Boer War history. Memories of Queen Victoria. |
Bob McMillan | |
Ivy McNally | Longreach History? |
Nita McNee | |
David McPhie | Arm torn off by tractor |
Willem Meijer | In German work camp same time as Ann Frank. Killed three men who were raping his sister. Met Hitler when in the scouts. |
Hank Melchers | Oberon History |
John and Elizabeth Millar | On Berowra |
David Miller | Surveyor on hydro electric power schemes |
John Miller | Age 86. Australia's youngest WWII man. History of the Under 16's whom he foundered. War psychosis treatment. Sister Bullwinkle and Bill Moxham from Sandarkan. |
Maurie Miller | |
David Millikan | |
Wally Mills | Elec Engineer on the Snowy |
Old Ted Mitchell | Aboriginal Elder, Rockhampton |
Rex Mitchell | |
Bruce Mocatta | On the first Jewish Settler in QLD |
Judge Athol Moffitt | Convicting Japanese War Criminals |
Lorna Mongoo | |
Jim Monk | Age 78. On Polio and Brickworks in Alexandria. |
Keith Montague | Snowy Electric Engineer |
Mike Monteagle | |
Tex Moor | Outback Drover Cattleman, Bushy |
Alan Moore | Kokoda track veteran. Captain and Tast Officer of the 39t Battalion |
Darren Moore | Bowlers Club fire |
May Moore | |
Garth Moorlan | The Kangaroo Man |
Ron Morasso | NSW Fire and Rescue. Significance of "The Senior Man" rank. ICI plant explosion. The Caltex Refinery Petrol Tank rupture where Ron won bravery award. |
John Moss | Age 93. Normandy landings. Was Captain of a gun boat. |
Colin Mould | Pig farmer |
Herb Mould | |
Laura Mould | |
Don Moy | Kempsey Bus Crash |
Lee Moyes | |
Tom Mudie | 91 Yr Old Broken Hill Paper Boy |
Greg Mullens | |
DJ Mulvaney | Anthropological Prehistory of Australia |
Dame Elizabeth Murdock | |
Anne Murphy | Riding over the Snowy Mountains 1948 |
Brian Murphy | Building sidecar for the police and NRMA and Jam trailer campers |
Jane Murphy | Channelling wisdom from Sanat Karmra |
Frank Murphy | WW2 Navy. The Gargoyne. Invasions of Leyte Gulf. Lingayan Bay Invasion |
Chi Chi Murray | Yepoon Healer |
Maurice Murray | |
Russell Murray | |
John and Betty Mutch | Galston History |
Lerryn Mutton | Dropped surrender not on Saudakan POW camp |
Ron Myer | Age 95. Battle of El Aleman |
Col & Marnce Myers | Pioneers of Mt Selwyn ski field |
Sandra Nagel | |
Alf Najar | |
Ted Nance | US Colonel - Spy - Atom Bomb |
Jack Neal | |
Henry Nebel | Luftwaffe - Meeting Hitler |
Sasha Nekvapil | |
Bob Nelson | |
Brian Nemeth | Whipmaker |
Merle and Fred Newman | Chinchilla Fossils |
Bob Noble | Rough Broome Character |
Lionel Noonan | Vietnam - the horror of Agent Orange |
Len Nordlund | HMAS Hobart WW2 |
John Norris | Gallipoli Veteran |
Paul Norris | |
Ian Nowland | WW2 WWII pilot on Baltimores delayed action bombs |
Elvie Nunan | Oberon Pioneer |
Stephen Nunn | |
Arnold O'Brien | Lithgow Coalminer |
Gavin O'Brien | |
Margaret O'Brien | |
Vern O'Brien | Pioneer NT Surveyor and Historian |
Gordon O'Connel | |
Mick O'Connell | Oberon Farming |
Tom O'Connell | Oberon Pioneer of Trucking |
Pat and Dorothy O'Dea | Policeman and switchgirl |
Hugh O'Donnell | Oberon |
Colin O'Flynn | On the Voyager when it was cut in half by Melbourne |
Peter O'Reilly | Green Mountain |
Vince O'Reilly | O'Reilly's Guesthouse |
Jim O'Rourke | |
Gwen O'Sullivan | Aboriginal Massacre & World War 1 |
Ken and Alison Ogg | |
Sir Mark Oliphant | Reluctant Builder of the Atom Bomb |
Lorna Ollif | |
Frank Olliff | |
Khan Omar | Story: Tallest man in the world |
Wilma Oram | WW2 POW Nurse |
Betty Osborne | |
"Aussie" Osborne | |
Ellie Pacey | |
Ivor Paine | Pioneer in live Cattle Export |
Kitty Pantellitis | |
Colin Pardoe | |
Bob Patten | WW2 Bomb Aimer - Arcadia History |
Beryl Payne | Bombing of Newcastle |
Barry Pearce | Hornsby and Cec Newland |
Henry Peckham | Outback Aboriginal |
Vaughan Pendagast | Oil tanker driver |
Dooley Pendergast | |
Jack Pendergast | WWII New Guinea |
Neene Pendergast | |
Patti Pendergast | |
Edgar Penzig | Bushranger Historian |
Edgar Penzig | Bushranger Historian |
Arnold Pepper | The occupation of Japan. Fighting the North Koreans and Chinese. Blown up and air lifted to Mash Unit. Battle of Kapyong. |
Lee Perkins | NT Patrol Padre |
Marie Perrott | Family property 'Pinelea" in Yabba had been an important meeting place for Aborigines who had been wiped out and an old hut built on the sight had been a meeting place for swaggies, farmers and drifters. |
Maurice Perrott | Ansett history, WWII Calvary, Milne Bay shipwrecked and saved by homing pigeon. |
Sue Perry | |
Obie Persouse | |
Bob Petersen | NT Policeman |
Mick Petith | Glenorie Stonemason - 2003 Bushfires |
Fred Phillips | Age 91. Flew 64 bombing missions over Germany and France as a pathfinder. |
Bert Phillips | Limbless Soldier WW2 |
Phlip Phillips | CSIRO History |
Dudley Piper | |
Gwen "cookie" Pitt | Cook on Outback Tours |
Ormond Plunkett | |
Jack Pollard | WWII Navy 'Shropshire" and sinking of the Sydney and Corregidor |
Edith Pollick | Hungarian, forced labor camp. |
Frank Pommy | |
Billy Powell | Fire Investigation Unit |
Carl Power | Snowy Mountains History. Droving from age 10 from the Monaro Characters of the Snowy - Bush Humour |
Geoff Power | Bush humorist |
Helene Pretty | |
Hayden Price | On the Death of Lord Nelson in the Battle of Trafalgar and his Ancestors Thomas and Francis Price and their part in the battle as father and son on the same ship. |
Allan "Magoo" Priddle | |
Frank Prihoda | |
Jack Pyne | |
Eddie Quong | |
Lynette Ramsay Silver | The History Detective on Sandukan |
Ron Ramsey | |
Ann Randell | Remembers the Emden |
Don Rankin | Singer |
Ula Rankin | Country classic, old sayings |
Dr Mustafa Rashed | World authority on the Koran. Muslim reformist. |
Tsu Rathbone | |
Dennis Rayner | NSW Fire and Rescue |
Frank Redman | WW1 Veteran |
Max Redshaw | |
Len Reed | |
Beryl Reeves | Age 85. The 1st employee of the Snowy Mountains scheme. The very beginnings of the politics of creating the scheme. The opening ceremony in Cooma. The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth. |
Pat Rehn | |
Alan Reid | |
Bill Reid | Pearling Master |
Salty Reid | Aboriginal Culture |
F.A. Blue Reiter | |
Gordon "Bubbles" Rice | NSW Fire Brigade. S.O. at headquarters. |
George Richards | Age 80. The Graem Thorne kidnapping. Eric Baume. Daily Telegraph. Frank Packer. Shirley Butler murder. Sydney Morning Herald. The Fairfax family. People Magazine. The kidnap attempt on Princess Anne. Column 8. |
Ted Richards | Oberon |
Trevor Richter | |
Harry Riley | Dural Stone Fruit Farmer Poet |
Alex Ritchie | |
Charlie Roberson | WII digger |
Vic Roberts | |
Yvonne Roberts | |
Les Robertson | |
Dr Lance Robey | Oberon GP |
John Robinson | African Buffalo kills hunter, leopard attack and famous lion attack on Willy Brant |
Phil Robinson | |
Denise Robinson | |
Jack Robinson | Biscuit Bomber WW2 |
Jimbo Robinson | Witness to Coral Sea Battle |
Judy Robinson | Outback Author and Historian |
Roger Roderick | 95 World War 2 History |
Arn "Pop" Rodgers | Pioneer Racing Identity |
Gladys Rodgerson | 100 Year old for Calendar |
Frank Rodwell | Security Officer |
Buff Rogers | Droving and brumby catching, Black Mountains |
Warwick "Buck" Rogers | NSW Fire and Rescue |
Gerda Rohde | German industrialist |
Phil Roos | Boroloola Metho Drinker-Aboriginal Culture |
Arcacia Rose | Activist on the Snowy Hydro |
Lou Rose | Maccabi Games History |
Des Rosenblat | |
Leon Rosenthal | Jewish History |
Bill Rosier | Chaplain in Vietnam |
John Ross | Galston Vegetable Farmer |
Fabio Rossetti | Age 86. Crime of Passion. Tailor to King of Sweden. Fighter for Mussolini (Balilla). |
Clive Roughley | Dural History |
Norm Rowston | Horehound merchant, roo shooting and spear fishing alongside Eric Jolliff |
John Rudd | Leads high country trail rides |
Ethel Runkin | |
Bill Rushton | Trout fishing |
Greg Russell | |
Jack Russell | Nullabor Plains History |
Jim Russell | |
Kim Russell | |
Mick Russell | |
Vance Russell | |
Keith Ryal | |
Harry Ryan | Old Aboriginal of Katherine |
Lorraine Ryan | |
Von Ryan | |
Joan Rynne | |
Charlie Salvestro | |
Lisa Samethini | Japanese POW Comfort Lady Story |
Frank Samuel | Horse Farming |
Noel Sanders | 35 Bombing Missions over Germany |
Charles Sara | Anaesthetist |
Bob Sargeant | |
Brian Saunders | Bush childhood in Blacktown |
Aubrey Saunders | Longreach History? |
Hilda Scanlon | Scanlon Lollies Pioneer |
Owen Scarlett | Gravedigger |
Geoff Scarrott | Berowra Footprints |
Selwyn Schaefer | Fox and dingo hunging. Bushy |
Helmuth Schmitt | World War 2 German |
David Schultz | |
Peter Schultz | |
Graham Scully | |
Nancy Sedger | Kenthurst History |
Vince Serventy | Naturalist |
Peter Severin | |
Shiela Shannley | |
Max Sharam | |
Mrs Max Sharam | Cowan, Origin of |
Ken Sharp | |
Clarrie Shaw | On the Melbourne when collided with the Voyager |
Russel Shawmarsh | |
Richard Shields | On Hornsby Park |
Alice Shingles | Bushy |
Peter Shonk | Policeman for 48 years |
Harry Siegle | Beat up intruder at age 93 |
Harry Siegle | WW2 Commando & Berlin Olympics |
Ron Simpkins | Train Driver |
Antony Simpson | |
Don Sinclair | WW2 Limbless Soldier |
Victorie Sister | Witnessed Arthur Stace writing "Eternity" |
Stew Skoglund | Bikini Atoll Bomb Witness, Korea, Heli Pioneer |
Sister Marie Slattery | Oberon |
Henrikas Sliteris | Witness to German mobile killing squads killing Jews. |
Viktoras Sliteris | On Lithuania and the part played by Jews. The story of his father's death as a partisan and the monument Viktoras built. |
Brian Small | Korean War |
Aub Smith | |
Jim Smith | NSW Fire and Rescue |
Margery and Ron Smith | Trekking in the Snowy |
Nancy Smith | Pennant Hills and diary |
Tacko Smith | Knocked over by the Atom Bomb |
Bill Smith | On Aub Laidlaw Lifesaver |
Hadley Smith | |
June Smith | WW2 VAD |
Quentin Smith | |
Ray Smith | |
Ted Smout | WW1 Age 103 |
Max Soul | |
Richie Southwell | Seed merchant |
Les and Karen Spann | |
Ken Sparks | (Limbless Soldier) Attack on St Nazir Docks |
Bill Spellman | |
Colleen Spellman | |
Roy Spicer | |
Des Spittal | |
Elizabeth Sponar | |
Reg Stacey | |
Bob Stafford | Soldier settlement in Wheat Belt depression. Society values in the 30's. Shearing, droving, witnessing a snake digging a hole. |
Paula Stafford | |
Charlie Stanmore | Fencing, Olympic Games, Marcel Marceau |
Mavis Starn | Discovery of Jenolan Caves and Kingsford on AKAK guns and in plotting room under Macquarie St, Smith crashes in Oberon |
Peter Stathis | |
Bob Steel | Fisherman - Aboriginal History |
Max Steele | WW2 History |
Rudi Steffal | On Berowra |
Robert Stephens | The Fairbridge Orphanage Scheme |
Lilian Stevenson | AIM Nurse |
Leigh Stewart | Storekeeper and Adaminaby and big trout history |
Nana Rae Stewart | Aboriginal Elder |
Dave Stewart | |
Bessie Stilwell | Oberon |
Ken Stockdale | Mt Isa History |
Donald Stokes | |
Lloyd "King Zooni" Stokes | |
John Stoneman | USA Underwater Cinematographer |
Jim Strang | WW2 Limbless Soldier |
Jack Stunnell | Shipwright then cane cutting etc and bird keeper |
Alice Sturgeon | Pioneer woman |
Jack Sue | World War 2 Espionage |
Joan Sumner | |
Doug Sutherland | NT Knockabout, Making Film "Sundowners" |
Mort Suthern | Convict history. Cootralandra history |
Jeff Sutton | |
Tiny Swanson | Heaviest Man in NT by Pearl Ogden |
Noel Sweatman | NSW Fire Brigade |
Kevin Sweeney | Survived four days at sea on a hatch cover after his ship blew up. |
Ira Sweet | |
Norm Swift | WW2 Spitfire Pilot Shot Down Battle of Bulge |
Chris Sykes | Fire and Rescue. The Jannali bushfires. The Boxing Day Tsunami. Christchurch earthquake. |
Col Symes | Old Mounted Policeman |
Rosemary Tadzik | Bombing of Children's hospital in London |
Max Talbot | |
Alf Talc | |
Doug Tanzer | Funny Aboriginal Story |
Colin Tapp | |
June Tapp | Outback Legendary Woman |
Rowland Tarling | Interrogating German Prisoners WW2 |
Jim Tattersall | Tobruk - Balikpapan |
Ted Taylor | NSW Fire Brigade |
Bill Taylor | NT Mounted Policeman, Petrov Affair |
Bob Taylor | Ant Scientist |
Ron and Valerie Taylor | |
Fred Teague | |
Brian Teichelman | |
Alaistair Templeton | The sinking of the Sydney by Alaistair, the last survivor in the world from Sydney and world authority. 70 years of research. |
Jozef Tezuk | Pack horse surveyor on the Snowy |
Gwenna Thatcher | Building on the Bhai Temple. German mine layers. Sneaking out of Sydney Harbour when war declared. The NES. Ambulance Drivers. Emile Mercer, James Gleeson. Dame Nellie Melba, Jack Davey show, Cinesound Films, Frank Hurley, Rev John Flynn. Skydiving at 90. Jimmy Sharman, Lloyd Reece, Marget Ollie, Winnifred Atwell, Smokey Dawson, Nancy Bird. |
Dave Thom | Great Great Grandson of Henry Parkes. Plus history of Meccano. |
Frank Thomas | NSW Fire and Rescue |
David Thomas | Coral Sea Battle. Japanese midget sub history. Sale of the Zero to the Japanese. Dropping of USA bombs off Sydney |
Reg Thomas | Bulldozer Driver/Galston History |
Ted Thompson | Fire Brigade from 1962. Rugby Union. Police Boys boxing. Western District Joggers. City to Surf. 000 Fun Run. Parramatta and Cronulla. Fitness trainer. Shell Oil Refinery fire. Waterfall train disaster. |
George Thompson | |
Harry Thompson | Port Macquarie Hermit |
Jack Thompson | |
John Thompson | Vietnam Limbless Soldier |
Keith Thompson | WW2 Navy |
Millicent Thompson | 100 Year Old for Calendar |
Peter Thompson | |
Rosemary Thomson | |
Wendy Thomson | Pioneer NT Safaris |
Eian Thorley | Vietnam Navy |
Sylvia Thornhill | On who made the ropes for Edmund Hillary |
Glen Threlfro | |
Beryl Timewell | New Guinea Head Hunters |
Trivia Titanic | |
Bob Tolli | Tunneler |
Bob Tomarchin | Legendary Animal Trainer |
Tommy Tomasi | Italian partisan POW torture (graphic) |
Audrey Tomlinson | World War 2 Nurse |
Gary Tonkin | Scrimshaw and Whaling History |
Sally Tonkin | |
Tony Toohey | Toohey's Breweries |
Emily-Lyons Tookens | |
Chick Tosic | Pioneer of Oberon Engineering |
Mike Towers | |
Wilma Townsend | Age 85. Ryde history. Squire, Turtle, Franks, Vebel families. Concord RG Hospital as physiotherapist. Sir Henry Parkes. James Squire Farnelt 1st Premier. James Squire the brewer. First Fleet history. Why the families from the 1st fleet weren't recorded like McCarthur and Marsden. Snobbery in Ryde. The Artificial Limb factory and Sir Roden Cutler. Loch Townsend's war history. Why colour television was brought in. The Queen's visit and the filming of it. Queen's visit to Concord Hospital. The Blax |
Marion Townsend | On Katherine Flood |
Marion Townsend | Springvale Homestead, Tom Ronan |
Jim Trappel | Dural History - Machine Plant Operator |
Gerry Trayhurn | WW2 Tempests - Strafing Trains Germany |
David Treadwell | |
Kati Tremul | |
Clive Trevan | Cowra Breakout WW2 |
Yvonne Treven | Kingsford Smith |
Jack Trimmingham | POW Changi |
Robert Trythal | |
Jacky Tsarevich | Packhorse surveyors assistant |
Barry Tuffy | On caning kids in schools |
Noel Tully | |
Tom Turnbull | Saddler |
George Turner | |
Caryl Turnidge | Galston History |
Tommy Turtle | Funny Outback Plant Operator/Womaniser |
Mike Tyler | |
Rev. Dick Udy | WWII catalings, dropping mines in Japanese harbours |
Robert Ulmann | |
Brian Uncle | |
Pat Underwood | NT Stockman Cattle Dynasty |
Ralph Underwood | |
Doug Vaughan | Soldier settler |
Anastacia Vaughan | |
Mary Vella | |
Ross Vickery | Old bushy and tanner |
Pat Vine | |
Stan Vivian | 100 Yr Old Saddler & Motor Trimmer |
Nancy Wake | The White Mouse |
John Wakefield | Lifetime of TV and Radio History |
Kevin Walker | |
Roy Walker | Last of the Packhorse Ringer |
Alec Wall | Yepoon Wooden Leg Pilot |
Darky Wallace | |
Richard Wallace | Mayor. Bushy humour |
Bill and Lean Wallace | WW2 Submariner and Catalina Pilot |
Noel Wallace | |
Graham Walsh | Antropologist - Kimberley Rock Art |
Arthur Walton | Longreach History? |
John Wamsley | |
Ken Wark | |
Steve Warren | |
Stuart Warth | The only Warth in the RAAF in WWII. Meaning of the name Warth. |
Wally Wassermann | |
Judy Waters | |
Father Bruce Wathen | |
John Watson | |
Malcolm Watson | Oberon |
"Wobbly Bob" Watt | |
Reg Watt | |
Chris Watts | |
Ron Wddell | Galston Fruitgrower |
Happy Webb | Drover |
Bob Webb | Hondo Grattan Famous Racehorse |
George Webb | |
Evelyn Webster | On the naming of Newtown. |
Elma Weekes | Oberon history looking back at 95 |
Warren and Barbara Weggert | |
Cyril Welch | |
Andrew Wellings | |
Don Wellsmore | |
John Welsh | NSW Fire Brigade history and his father Deputy Chief Officer. |
Wes | Shearer |
Graham West | |
Charlie Westaberg | |
Colleen Weston | History of Westons & Jindabyne etc |
Reg Weston | Donkey Teamster of the Kimberleys, Prospector |
Colin Whalan | Oberon - Jenolan Caves Discovery |
Lloyd Whalan | Oberon Pioneer |
Ron Wheatley | CIB Shadow Squad |
Bill White | WW2 Limbless Soldier |
Bruce White | On Katherine Flood |
Eisleen White | 100 Year Old for Calendar |
Gordon White | |
Lorranie Whitehead | Bob and Dolly Dwyer. Living near the zoo. Opening of Luna Park. Bea Miles. |
Tom Wicking | |
Richard Wigglesworth | |
Beatie Wilcox | Oberon Pea-Picking |
Doris Wilkinson | Chinchilla Fossil hunter |
Leo Williams | |
George Williams | Old baker, Glenhaven history, poultry and show judge |
Neil Williams | Famous Singer |
Newton Williams | |
Steve Williamson | Trout guiding history |
Ray and Judy Williamson | |
Gordon Willoughby | WWII Balikpapan surrender |
John Pitt Wilshire | At 100 recalls meeting Banjo Patterson. Great detail on his family's life in Sydney from 1792 when they owned much of the CBD granted to them from Lord Nelson who's daughter married into the family (Lord Nelson wrote to Gov Bligh for the grants.) |
Don Wilson | |
George Wilson | Korean war veteran. Winning the Military Cross at the battle of the hook. |
Laurie Wilson | "Laurence of Arcadia", Pioneer of big cranes in Australia |
Dr Chester Wilson | Charleville Doctor |
Dulcie and Lindsay Wilson | |
Mandy Wiltink | |
Mandy Wiltink | |
Norm Windeatt | HMAS Tenacious. Kamikaze bombers. The Japanese surrender in Yokahama Bay. POW's. Fire Brigade from 1951. Blue Mountains bushfires. |
Bill Windolf | Bombing of Darwin |
Bill Withers | Berowra |
Bill Withers | |
Annette Wollaston | |
Donald Wollaston | |
Wally Wombat | WW2 Spy captured at Bondi signalling Japanese submarine |
Jack Wood | |
Norm Woodhorse | Buchan and brumby catching |
David Woodhouse | on Woodhouse family history |
Lieutenant-Colonel Don Woodland (OAM) | |
Lola Wright | Age 85. Depression life in outback Qld. Living in tents with road gangs. Swaggies, The rigors of camp life. Teaching outback, travelling band, barmaiding, busking with plan according????. Life philosophy. |
Ethyl Wright | Mackeral Beach History |
Roy Wright | Famous Kakadu Poacher |
Rita Wroe | |
Mick Yensch | NT Ruffian, Villain |
Horrie Young | The radio operator on the Kraite |
Horrie Young | The radio operator on the Kraite |
Cliff Young | |
Dick Young | Coal Miner with Pit Ponies - Lithgow |
Howard Young | Berowra |
Howard Young | |
Maisey Young | Legendary NT Publican |
Thelma Young | World Champion Pea-Picker |
Josie Zammit | |
Leah Zev | History of the Joffes and Jews in South Africa |